I’ve been passionately interested in questions of experiential interspirituality since I was a child, and wanted to be a writer, following in my mother’s footsteps, since I was 4. But I didn’t consider combining those two passions publicly, in my own voice, not on others’ behalf, until my husband died, my life fell apart, and I embarked on reinventing my life through the (then) Tai Sophia Institute’s (then) Applied Healing Arts M.A. program.
It was a long journey – seven years in the attaining of the degree, being blessed to work with some brilliant professors enroute – and along the way this blog evolved to capture the questions I was facing.
Today, Soulpaths continues to evolve…and in the Creation Spirituality tradition, it is encompassing all four sides of the human journey: awe and wonder, embracing conscious connection with the embodied Divine; the deep unknowing, grief and loss of the “dark night of the soul;” inspired co-creativity in images, words, and voice; and passionate truth-speaking on issues of social and environmental justice.