As the global economy gets more dicey and the U.S. lurches toward austerity for all but the 1%, it seems that a livable environment — clean air and water, healthy oceans and forests, abundant safe food and fertile earth, clean renewable energy — is taking a back seat to just about everything, while many of us struggle against frustration … depression … overwhelm.
But here’s the good news: it is possible to take creative, productive action!
Sustainability is not just about swapping light bulbs or adding filters to your faucets anymore. Now, it’s time to go deeper, and take a look at some of the cultural perspectives that brought us to this situation…and healthier alternatives.
To help you get started I offer (and co-facilitate) introductory workshops, circles and forums in the Maryland area. They’re full of real-world facts, practical tips and resources, tailored to the group of your choice….
Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream
To learn more about these workshops, forums, and conversation circles, call (866)937‑6556 or email